Kalabaka’s General Senior High School is located on the NE side of the town of Kalabaka and its construction was completed in 1957 (the building was built with donations from American immigrants originated from Kalabaka). It is built in a very beautiful area, called “Pouliana”, just below the imposing rocks of Meteora.
It functioned as a six-grade High School until 1976. Since then, High School is divided into two three-year cycles, i.e. Junior High School and Senior High School. It operates as a General & Unified Senior High School with about 230-260 students and 35-40 teachers of all specialties per year, until today.
Nowadays, the building consists of two floors with thirteen classrooms, a computer lab and two science labs. It, also, has one of the most modern multipurpose rooms, which due to poor workmanship does not have the functionality it should have, so far.
Kalabaka’s General Senior High School, throughout its course, declares its presence in the social life of the town, with various events and theatrical performances of mainly patriotic content, since 1920.
The school has a very good functioning tradition, as demonstrated by the always high success rates at the higher levels of education, the distinctions of students and the number of scientists, who are distinguished in all fields and have come from its ranks.