The heart of the old town of Kalabaka beats in ‘’Sopotos’’. A densely built-up district, with glued houses, narrow cobblestone passages and the chapel of Saint George dominating.

The area is characterized by traditional architecture, inextricably linked to the environment and the wider landscape. The builders of Kalabaka of that time, with “meraki” (passion) and love for their art, built urban, rural and newer stone houses.

The location is a base for hiking and positively challenges the visitor with the path of the Holy Trinity to receive thousands of walkers. Additionally, it is a junction of various other important paths.

Some of the basic elements were the wonderful chants by eloquent people of Kalabaka, the mansion of Giannakis Kalabakas where Ali Pasha of Ioannina was settled for a long time and the homonymous fountain of Sopotos, a source of life for the inhabitants.