The Meteora Natural History Museum & the Mushroom Museum is located in the town of Kalabaka. It operated, for the first time, in December 2014 and since then its course follows a path full of awards, a fact that ranks it among the most awarded museums in Greece.

It possesses two collections: An animal collection, which includes about 350 different species from Greece and the world. Among them, there are many endangered or even extinct species, which makes this collection one of the best in our country.

A collection of mushrooms, in which there are about 250 species, in various stages of development. The mushrooms are sculpted and in perfect fidelity to the real ones. In addition, the latest forms of technology are used to highlight the nutritional value of mushrooms, as well as their relationship to myths and traditions.

Both collections are presented in dioramas, which represent the living conditions and fruiting of mushrooms.

However, apart from these two exceptional collections, the Museum develops important activities, which go beyond the usual practices of museums (educational programs, etc.). Top action for the Museum, is the Truffle Hunt, unique in its kind in Greece, but also in the world. That is why, it is not accidental that it attracts visitors from all over the world, contributing significantly to the expansion of the offer of alternative tourist activities in the region.

Also, the museum in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Thessaly, has created about seventy (70) mushroom and truffle products, based on traditional recipes, which you will find both in the museum store and in the Greek market.

From this point of view, its multiple awards, as well as, the fact that it has been the subject of positive comments from most of the print and electronic press in our country, even from the foreign media, are not accidental at all.

After all, a visit is always the best way to confirm the above.